Field Talent Registration Form


By creating an account with MSPA Americas, you are bound by the MSPA Americas Independent Contractor Code of Ethics.

If you are upgrading to a paid membership from a free membership, use your existing email address. You will not create a second account.

Select An Option

Two convenient payment options: $49 annually or $5 monthly.

Full access for independent contractors (evaluators, mystery shoppers, merchandisers). Receive access to the opportunity board, special pricing on events like ShopperFest as well as certifications, FT Plus-only webinars, access to Member Deals, and more! Learn more here. *Memberships are non-refundable. 

Your complimentary Intro to Mystery Shopping course can be accessed AFTER creating your account. Normally $35, it will be discounted to $0 with your active Independent Contractor - Plus membership. You can click the "Certification Courses" menu link from the Info Hub when logged in, you can visit the certification store, or you can visit

If you are upgrading to FT Plus, you will be using your existing account with your existing email address. Remember, creating a second account is not permitted and will result in both a delay in the delivery of your course, and you being locked out of your account.

Free limited access for independent contractors (evaluators, mystery shoppers, merchandisers).

Enter Contact Information
Please select a valid membership option and fee item if exist